Pre Access Recorder

Pre Access Recorder non standard reasons for restriction.
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/4 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 3 - Logs of Drill Holes 1953 - 1953
A3962 T2/10 Financial Aspects of Australian Oil Companies 1975 - 1976
B1535 807/2/429 Howard Lieut T R P - Court of Enquiry 1916 - 1935
A2487 1921/14720 [Deduction from war gratuity bond - G I Smith] 1921 - 1921
MP729/8 4/431/51 AHQ Policy Statement Explosives & Demolition Stores 1948 - 1948
A432 1933/101 FCT [Federal Capital Territory]. Lease under Leases Ordinance 1918-27 Whether the Lessor or the lessee is bound to replace an erection which is beyond repair 1933 - 1933
SP1745/1 NN Angelo Acquaro 1963 - 1963
MP456/3 Q1944/412 "St. Giles" Manning 1944 - 1946
CP548/1 221 Australian Cotton Goods 1946 - 1946
A1928 848/22 Public Health - Australian Labor Party Resolutions 1949 - 1949
A705 7/1/2214 Ardagardaga Station [Northern Territory] - Aerodrome - Note: Each folio in file records the name as Argadargada 1952 - 1952
A4080 NN Australian Post Office Commission of Inquiry Secretariat Overseas Visit United Kingdom Part 1 1973 - 1973
A3959 A1/37 Visits to Canberra : 19-20 March 1975 and 28 May 1976. 1975 - 1976
A518 852/1/20 New Guinea - AW Ardie - Surveyor [0.25cm] 1927 - 1937
C605 LA547 Headquarters staff - Miss Z Zillman 1944 - 1944
A3269 R17 [SRD (Services Reconnaissance Department) Technical Section -] Technical Summary of rail trials 1943 - 1944
A705 7/1/2041 Navigation - Jiggalong [WA] - aerodrome 1949 - 1955
A1928 1020/44 Staff. Farrell E.J. Secretary. Commonwealth Serum Laboratory, Parkville 1921 - 1946
A3963 S1/13 Liquified Petroleum Gas Supplementary Report Royal Commission on Petroleum. Joint submission Santos Ltd and Delhi International Oil Corporation 1974 - 1976
MP1049/1 1914/0404 Cadet Midshipmen Adrain J B Watts Alfred Kelly withdrawal from RAN College 1914 - 1915